There were 41 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

To request a copy of your results you will be asked to sign in with the email address you entered this competition with. A link to generate award certificates is available in the Online Gallery, Acceptances page by selecting the button below. Please note the Catalogue is currently in Draft and is being updated with additional details.

Winter Birch
Peter Paterson – The Edinburgh Medal
Open Colour
Winters walk home
Andrew Buckley – FIAP Gold Medal
Open Colour
Kicked bucket, new life
Richard O’Meara – FIAP Gold Medal
Open Colour
The Waiting Game
Laurie Campbell – FIAP Gold Medal
Open Colour
A Last Farewell
Paul Hassell – GPU Gold Medal
Open Colour
Clownfish in bubble anemone
Gill O’Meara – GPU Gold Medal
Open Colour
The animals came in 4 by 4
Richard O’Meara – GPU Gold Medal
Open Colour
Impala drinking
Wade Buchan – SPF Gold Medal
Open Colour
Ross McKelvey – SPF Gold Medal
Open Colour
Gants Hill
Charles Ashton – SPF Gold Medal
Open Mono
Black Church
Ruth Hayton – FIAP Silver Medal
Open Colour
Semana Santa Sevilla Bola de cera
Juan Carlos Hervas Martinez – FIAP Silver Medal
Open Mono
Lone Tree at Malham
Ann Healey – FIAP Silver Medal
Open Mono
Hold That Pose
Peter Baker – SPF Silver Medal
Open Colour
My Sisters Doll
David Wheeler – SPF Silver Medal
Open Colour
David Wheeler – SPF Silver Medal
Open Mono
Through the glass
David Moyes – FIAP Ribbon
Open Colour
The Wall of Books
Mohammed Arfan Asif – FIAP Ribbon
Open Colour
So Many
Ian Hammond – FIAP Ribbon
Open Colour
Grebe feeding larva to chick
Gill O’Meara – FIAP Ribbon
Open Colour
The Hen Night
Richard O’Meara – FIAP Ribbon
Open Colour
Jess with Aslan
Tim Gilbert – FIAP Ribbon
Open Colour
Juvenile Pine Marten_
Ian Mitchell – FIAP Ribbon
Open Colour
Pipe Smoker
Bob Moore – FIAP Ribbon
Open Colour
Seaweed & Frost
Colin Westgate – FIAP Ribbon
Open Colour
Circle of Life
Lorna Brown – FIAP Ribbon
Open Colour
Ross McKelvey – FIAP Ribbon
Open Colour
Kicking Bear
Paul Hassell – FIAP Ribbon
Open Mono
Treasured Pointe Shoes
Derwood Pamphilon – GPU Ribbon
Open Colour
Ready for School
Sue Moore – GPU Ribbon
Open Colour
Nikoletta Nerpel – GPU Ribbon
Open Colour
The Wee Donkey
Gill O’Meara – GPU Ribbon
Open Colour
Le Carte Postale
Rikki O’Neill – GPU Ribbon
Open Colour
Winchester Cathedral
Peter Pangbourne – GPU Ribbon
Open Mono
An extension too far
Wendy Irwin – Edinburgh Photographic Society HM
Open Colour
Goldense print
David Moyes – Edinburgh Photographic Society HM
Open Colour
Winter Scene
Andrew Buckley – Edinburgh Photographic Society HM
Open Colour
Bamburgh Castle Sunset
Colin Westgate – Edinburgh Photographic Society HM
Open Colour
Snipe Preening
David Wolfenden – Edinburgh Photographic Society HM
Open Mono
Time Travellers
Peter Baker – Edinburgh Photographic Society HM
Open Mono
Black Flame
Ross McKelvey – Edinburgh Photographic Society HM
Open Mono