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Alexander Berndt ARPS EFIAP
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Edit details for Alexander Berndt ARPS EFIAP
Photography bio
Photography biography - is displayed as your judging experence Member and former Trustee of Edinburgh Photographic Society (President Sep 2018 - Aug 2020), currently Incoming Exhibitions Organiser and Chairman of the Edinburgh International Exhibition 2022, 2023, 2024 (first run in 1861 and one of the oldest surviving and few print only exhibitions in the world). Instigator and chair of the first EPS Digital International Exhibition 2021 and now the Third EPS Digital in 2024. (Hosted on MyPhotoClub).
Joined the Royal Photographic Society in 2012. Former Edinburgh Rep for the RPS Scotland Region and former Organiser of the RPS Digital Imaging Group Scotland Centre. Awarded ARPS in September 2013 for a print panel in the Contemporary category (previously LRPS in November 2012).
Received EFIAP for International Salon Awards and Acceptances in April 2018 (previously AFIAP in March 2017).
Scottish Photographic Federation accredited judge Since Nov 2016 (resigned 2024).
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