Dear Photographers,

Welcome to the 159th Edinburgh International of Photography 2023.

The 159th running of this prestigious International Print Exhibition will open for entries on March 12th and close on June 5th 2023. We have allowed an extra week for print delivery, but your entry needs to be completed by 5th June.

The Exhibition follows our familiar format of two Print sections, Open Monochrome (PSA PPDM LARGE) and Open Colour (PSA PPDC Large). Entrants may submit up to FOUR prints in each section.

We have recognised the cost involved in posting prints and consequently have reduced our entry fees this year by 33% from last year to make entering less costly. One section costs £10 to enter and both sections can be entered for £12.

There are 33 Awards to be won including 9 Gold Medals.

The Exhibition will be displayed in Edinburgh Photographic Society’s premises in Edinburgh’s New Town during the Edinburgh Festivals from August 5th to August 27th 2023. Last year’s Exhibition was very well attended and we look forward to receiving a few thousand visitors again this year.

The entry site can be accessed here

Here you may download previous year’s catalogues and click through to enter and find more details and information on the entry site hosted on the MyPhotoClub site in Australia.

All entrants who visit the 159th Edinburgh International Exhibition gain free entry and may also collect an A4 printed copy of the catalogue without further charge. A PDF of the Catalogue is made available to all entrants or one may be posted to those paying the postage supplement.

We look forward to receiving your images and to another hugely successful Edinburgh International Exhibition in 2023.

Kind Regards,

Alexander D. Berndt ARPS EFIAP

International Exhibition Chair, Edinburgh Photographic Society

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